Timbits Program


U7 TIMBITS Program Guide

Thanks to our sponsor Tim Hortons, Hockey Calgary is able to run the Timbits Program which is a developmental league for kids aged 5 and 6. With the sponsorship dollars received from Tim Hortons, Hockey Calgary is able to purchase jerseys, host the Timbits Jamboree, and operate a learn to play hockey program for first year Timbits players. 

The Timibits program is a mandated program in Calgary for the Initiation division for 5 and 6 year olds. The program focuses on skill development and the FUNdamentals of the game for the players, coaches and parents. On average there are over 100 teams that make up the Timbits Age Category in Zone 9– Hockey Calgary.  The Timbits Program and its rules and regulations are all outlined within the Timbits Program Guide.


How do I register for Timbits Hockey?

Each hockey association within Calgary looks after administering registrations on their own behalf, including Girls Hockey Calgary.  Find the community association that you live in. On the respective hockey associations website you will find a section where you can click to receive their associations board of directors and executives contact info.   Email the associations registrar and or Timbits Coordinator to find out how to register for this respective association.


Timbits Exhibition/ Tournament Sanction Application

Any time a team plays an exhibition or tournament game, the team must request permission by submitting the "Play an Exhibition Game or "Play in a Tournament" form using their Hockey Calgary Team user account.  No games and or tournaments are permitted before November 15th for Sr teams and November 30th for Jr teams.  Each Timbits team is permitted to play a maximum of 16 games if they are in the Junior Division and 20 games if they are in the Senior division.


Timbits Jerseys

Thanks to Tim Hortons, each player in Timbits receives a Timbits jersey that they get to wear for the season.  The jerseys must be worn during each practice, game and tournament that the team takes part in.  No name bars and or sponsor bars are permitted on the jerseys.


Timbits Events (click below to learn more)

Timbits Jamboree
Timbits Learn To Play Hockey Program.


Game Limits




Foam Bumper Locations

Location Owner
Acadia Wolverines
Bowness Bow River
Cardel 1 Southwest
Cardel 2 Knights
Cardel 3 Arena
Cardel 4 Arena
Crowchild Red NWW
Crowfoot Raiders
ECTAS Blue Arena
ECTAS Red Arena
FCA Blue Glenlake/Trails West
FCA Gold Glenlake/Trails West
FCA Red Glenlake/Trails West
Huntington Hills McKnight
Jack Setter Arena Wolverines
Lake Bonavista Knights
Perry Cavanaugh Hockey Calgary
NESS East Arena
NESS West Arena
Oakridge Southwest
Sprignbank Joe Phillips Springbank
Springbank Red Dutton Springbank
Stew Hendry GHC
Thorncliffe McKnight
Trico 2 Bow Valley
Triwood NWW
West Hillhurst NWW
Mount Pleasant McKnight
Westside Rec Arena
Vivo 1 Raiders
Vivo 2 Raiders


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